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Types of Diversity in the Workplace You Need to Know

The number of factors that define diversity is truly unlimited. Throughout an individual’s life, the unique biological and genetic predispositions, experiences and education alter who they are as a person. These nature versus nurture interactions are what diversify and evolve the human race, allowing individuals to connect and learn from each other. Read on to know more.


Your organization and you personally are committed to diversity, to hiring and retaining top talent of all backgrounds. But you keep getting derailed. Read on to understand these derailers to help you defeat them.


What would a world with 50/50 gender parity look like?

What will it take for workplaces to be truly family-oriented for men and women, and to have no female leaders – only leaders?  Here’s how other countries are working towards putting an end to gender inequalities.


Black Women in Nonprofits Matter

Approximately 80% of the nonprofit workforce in NYC is made up of people of color, and 80% of those workers are women of color. Yet, only 16 percent of nonprofit CEOs in New York are people of color. It’s hard to find the stats on what percentage of those were women, or Black women for that matter. Click here to find out why it’s important to have black women in nonprofits.


Two Minutes to Understand Why Expatriate Gender Diversity Matters (and Do Something About It)

Since having international experience is a pre-condition to reaching top managerial levels, employees should be given international assignments for them to develop, build, and boost their careers. However, the percentage of women in the expatriate workforce globally is still a paltry 14%, with best-performing industries and countries lingering in the 20–30% range. The low participation of women in the assignee talent pool can put a halt to gender equality at leadership levels. Take a few minutes to understand why expatriate gender diversity matters and how we can do something about it.


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Big Green Nonprofits: Negotiating the Challenges

Equity, diversity, and inclusion are some of the topics nowadays across disciplines and sectors. These themes pertain to increasing the access and power of people and population groups who have been treated unfairly—that is, historically excluded, treated differently, or discriminated against. Read on to know more.


4 Ways Men Can Support Their Female Colleagues — Remotely

Everyday gender biases and barriers remain a persistent problem in office culture. But men with a keen awareness of how women experience the workplace and how gender inequities torpedo profitability and mission outcomes can actively deploy strategies to overcome them. Here are 4 ways men can support their female colleagues — remotely.


It’s Time To Face The Facts: We Have A Gender And Diversity Problem In The Nonprofit World

Why are there not a lot of women of color at the CEO level? Lets see what Anu Kumar, President and CEO of an international reproductive health and rights organization, has to say.


How does the gender pay gap significantly reflects the differences between men and women?

VIDEO: “Men and women are not the same and won’t be the same, but that doesn’t mean women shouldn’t be treated fairly.” – Jordan Peterson, Toronto university psychology professor

Peterson discussed the gender pay gap with Channel 4 News’ Cathy Newman. How does the gender pay gap significantly reflects the differences between men and women? This interview has been viewed online for over 7 million times and it’s time that you should too.

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