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Why Developed Countries Must Help Developing Countries: The Importance of Giving


*Image Source: Pixabay

Everyone lives in one planet. We breathe the same air. See the same sun rise from the east and set in the west. However, even with these simple yet essential things, resources are not equally distributed in different countries. Thus, there are those who belong to the developed nations while there are others that belong to developing countries.

With this unequal distribution, it is crucial that developed countries must do their part in helping those who belong to the underprivileged sector. It is true that rich countries have their own problems to worry with; however, it is still their responsibility to help those who are in dire need.

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How to Use Facebook for Social Recruiting Messaging


*Image Source: Pixabay

Job recruitment officers should not ignore Facebook’s potential when it comes to recruitment as it has 1.38B monthly active users and 890M daily active users as reported by Boolean Blackbelt.

Seventy-six percent of job seekers obtained their current jobs through Facebook as according to Jobvite’s 2014 Job Seeker Nation Report. Jobvite discovered that job seekers use Facebook in seeking jobs, while recruiters opt to LinkedIn when finding potential candidates.

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Understanding and preventing childhood obesity

*Image Source: Pixabay

With the drastic changes in the technology of today’s generation, the food style of people also changes. Advancement in food technology affected the people’s diet, especially for younger people. Fast food chains are very popular to children. Those who have both working parents tend to be driven to patronize fast food chains and instant food. Nutrition plays an important role in the development of children. Lack of health consciousness might result into obesity leading to different health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, postural deformities, metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes.

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Effective and Efficient Ways For A Successful Recruiting Process

With the competitive trend of business all over the world, companies and different business establishments need to strengthen their manpower to survive. Workforce is one of the most important factors in pursuing business and ventures. It reflects on how your company is dealing with your production. With good quality of workforce, the stronger the company gets. In find the right people to sustain your company, a successful recruiting process is the best way to deal with it. Here are some of the essential elements of a successful recruiting process.

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How crop insurance impacts smallholder farmers


*Image Source: Pixabay

We cannot emphasize more the importance of agriculture. This is the source of food and clothes. This is also the main source of income for rural communities in developing countries.

However, smallholder farmers are faced with challenges and difficulties that hinder their economic potential.

This is where crop insurance comes into play.

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How to Write an Effective Elevator Pitch


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An elevator pitch or elevator speech is an overview of your company that is presented in a clear and concise matter. Your goal is to introduce your company to potential clients in 1-2 minutes or, as others describe it, long enough for the elevator to go from one floor to the other. Ideally, the length of your pitch should be 150-250 words. It should be interesting and memorable.

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Pros and cons of Herbicides

Herbicides or weedkillers are a form of pesticides that farmers and gardeners use to control unwanted plants.

Before the 1930s, it is not known what herbicides eliminate, but it is certainly toxic to humans. New types of herbicides were created when advancement of synthetic chemistry occurred in the 30s and 40s. The new breeds of herbicides were more target-specific but still imperfect.

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6 Key Factors of Motivation


Was there a time where you would wonder why your colleague didn’t listen to your advice? Why your subordinate seems so distant at work?

We have to admit that there are instances when we would like to understand a person’s personality, behavior, and reaction. What will motivate them? What will empower them? What will make them vulnerable?

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