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The Challenges of Public-Private Partnership

Governments around the world have the responsibility to improve public services for the benefit of their citizens. This involves establishment, development, and maintenance of public infrastructure, transportation, and health services among others. However, due to constraints on public resources and…

Agriculture: No Future without Bees

*Image Source: Pixabay According to the US Forest Service, pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. Through pollination, flowers can bear seeds which contain the genetic information to…

Why use an executive search?

*Image Source: Flickr Today’s search for qualified leaders is tough and competitive. Everybody wants to get the big fish, but in doing so, you have to do various approaches to fill the position with the right person, with the right…

Earth Consumption: Humanity Living in Credit

A majority of people in the world went on with their daily lives on August 8.  However, it is sad to note that they are not knowledgeable that humans are now into debt to nature. August 8 is 2016’s Earth…

No Fish No Future

*Image Source: Pixabay Humans have always had hunter-gatherers as their occupation for centuries. Fish has become the last wild animal that people hunt in huge numbers. However, this generation might be the last to enjoy that privilege. The Anthropocene (the…

Ways to Avoid Work Burnout

*Image Source: Pexels Burnout is a psychological response to consistent job and home stressors. This does not only indicate a simple need for a vacation. Here are some ways where you can prevent work burnout. Be Realistic with Expectations It…

Agro-food: Feeding or killing the population?

*Image Source: National Cancer Institute Agriculture is a broad topic. Nowadays, there are many terms used by agricultural researchers, advocates as well as international development and non-profit organizations. One of which is the term “agro-food”. To understand agro-food more, let…

10 Awesome Steps in Creating an Environmentally-Conscious Office

*Image Source: Pexels The status of the environment is one big cause that people must take into consideration. Here are 10 awesome steps in creating an environmentally-conscious office. Conserve electricity. Most people tend to forget that there is a great…

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