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Scarcity of Health Workers in Developing Countries

Africa’s inefficient health care systems worsen with the migration of their health professionals. There is a significant shortage of healthcare workers in 57 countries with a deficit of 2.4 million doctors and nurses. The ratio of health care workers per population in Africa is 2.3 per 1000, while that of America is 24.8 per 1000. This shortage of health workers is being recognized and is now being reported in public media.

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How can positive leadership, inclusiveness and the quest for well-being affect today’s workplace?

Until most recently,  Most of the big corporations or organizations were practicing the “so-called” top-down approach. In the top-down approach, the executives or the key stakeholders make all the important decisions. All directions will come from the top management because they are presumed to have all the right answers.

But times have changed. Nowadays, the customer base is changing rapidly, which is a clear indication that tastes and preferences are also changing. Baby boomers, or people born after World War II, are retiring. Millennials, or people born between 1980s and 1990s, are on the rise. This generation is collaborative and team-oriented in nature which means that the command and control type of management will not be effective.

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Recruiting Time Management Techniques You Must Use Now

Recruitment can be a daunting task. You have to look for search assignments. You have to prepare proposals. You have to post advertisements. You have to source and screen candidates. You have to interview them. In short, there are a lot of things to accomplish before you can successfully fill in a position.

However, due to many factors, recruiters fall into the habit of bad time management. To save yourself from wasting, not only your time and effort but also money, here are some recruiting time management techniques that you can follow:

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Agriculture, Climate Change, and Social Responsibilities of Emerging Leaders

Picture1Emerging leaders of this generation have social responsibilities that are quite different from those of the past. Social issues that have not pervaded past leaders challenge the decision-making skills of these emerging leaders. Two of these challenges involve agriculture and climate change.

Agriculture is an important sector of the economy that is highly dependent upon the climate in order to have great food production that is crucial for the survival of human life. It is not a shocking knowledge that agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. The international scientific community considers the crucial issue of vulnerability of agriculture to climate variability and change.

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Potential Blockers in a Senior Executive Job Search

Working your way up has a price. You lose time for yourself, your family and your friends. Sometimes, it also causes a drift from your colleagues. But you’ve earned it through your years of commitment and dedication. That is why when senior executives leave due to company restructuring, end of the contract, or office politics, they may face some serious challenges and may find the change very uncomfortable.

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Psychological Tests – Why do they matter in Executive Search?

Filling in an Executive level position is a critical, risky and expensive process. To minimize the turnover, some companies use psychological tests to ensure that potential candidates are suitable for the position. These are used to calibrate the continued suitability of employees who have been with the company for a long time as well. But what role do psychological tests play in the hiring process?

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Myers-Briggs Types versus Keirsey Temperament Sorter

In our previous blog, Psychological Tests – Why do they matter in Executive Search?, we discussed the importance of psychological tests in the recruitment process especially when filling out executive level positions.

There are a lot of tests out there that could help head-hunters and other organizations to determine the suitability of the candidates in various positions. Outlined below are two major psychometric tests that are commonly used today.

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5 Reasons Why We Should Take a Personality Test

All of us are different. We have different perceptions, beliefs, opinions and interests. Hence, we are called “individuals”. What one person enjoys might not be thrilling for others. What one person finds fascinating might be boring for some people.

Have you felt like we thought we knew what we wanted, but in the long run, we end up feeling empty and with no sense of purpose?  We realized that what we have been doing all along isn’t right for us or it doesn’t suit our personality. In the end, we decide to change careers.

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Dealing with Uncomfortable Situations at Work: What Should We Do?

Forgetting a person’s name

This is one of the most uncomfortable situations, especially if you’ve just asked the person’s name moments ago or if you have met this person several times, but you still don’t remember their name.

One thing you could do (just make sure that you haven’t done so) is to ask for their business card. In case you’ve asked for it already, you can try this trick. Ask them what their name was and if they say their first name, follow up the conversation by saying, “No, I mean, your last name.” It’s more acceptable to forget last names.

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