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Best Recruitment Practices in 2017
*Image Source: Pixabay
Keeping the organization with the best people that work with the company is a challenge an opportunity. It is easy to keep the best people if the company knows how to do the right things right.
Here are some of the best recruitment practices done by established companies.
Recruit people based on data
People in the Human Resource department have improved at collecting metrics. However, they do not maximize these data as they stop using data after collecting them. Human resources do not utilize these data to make decisions or to create policies. The quality and speed of decision-making have been improved by decision-making based on data. Most business functions have adapted this, except HR. Google is a leader in this data-based decision making. It states that they desire to use the same level of decision-making that they do with engineering with the way they decide on people. Decisions regarding hiring people should be based on data and analytics.
Best practices of a data-based decision model
Data reveals where quality applicants and hires come from.
Data reveals the kind of interviews best determines future best performers.
Data shows whether references are correct predictors of future performance.
Data shows the new hire failure rate.
Data reveals which hiring managers and recruiters produce the hires with the highest quality.
Data shows what factor is significant in the hiring success.
Improve referral program
The best firms obtain 50 percent of their hires from referrals of employees. Thus, it is best for companies to invest time and resources in the referral program. Referral programs produce the highest volume hires the highest quality hires and the highest retention rates. If this is correctly done, referrals are the fastest and cheapest way of obtaining quality hires. Human resources should continuously manage these referral programs.
Best practices that will improve referral program effectiveness
Companies should motivate employees to put the company first rather than focusing on the money.
Educate employees on making good connections and referrals through an educational referral toolkit. This toolkit provides sample profiles on social media and tips on how to create relationships and to effectively assess potential referrals.
Employers must be responsive to each referral to maintain a high level of participation.
Provide feedback to employees on weak referrals, so that each individual employee can improve.
Employees must know the work of the prospects and be able to pre-sell the company so that these potential referrals will accept the interview.
Blind interviewing and anonymous resume screening
Recently, there has been a strong push for diversity in hiring. This primarily is targeted in the technology industry as this field requires hiring STEM women and diverse people. Thus, a scientific approach is recommended to diversity recruiting. With these, human resource professionals are becoming aware of the unconscious biases that many interviewers and hiring managers have.
Best practices in concealing irrelevant information
Insignificant data on resumes can result to a biased approach. Background information (name, address, grades, school of a candidate) that are not proven to be accurate predictors of new hire success can be obscured or removed from the hiring manager. Google and Deloitte are conducting an experiment with this practice.
Biases on the visual side during the interview can be reduced by the use of telephone interviews. The symphony orchestra style is also a practice being done that literally hides performing candidates behind a screen.
Written or questionnaire internet interviews can also be conducted to reduce voice biases. The mechanism works with the candidate typing their answers posted on a computer screen.
Recruitment’s significance in a company can never be underestimated. As human resources are one of the most important, if not the most important, the asset of the company, more time and resources have to be spent in learning and re-learning what practices work best for the company.