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8 Best Hiring Practices to Start Now
The future of the business and its reputation lies with the people behind it. That is why recruiting the right people are essential in any business, especially if it is expanding or restructuring.
As discussed in our previous blog, Psychological Tests – Why do they matter in Executive Search? we mentioned that hiring the right candidates will minimize the turnover and will save the company’s time and money.
Network, network, network
We usually grow our network when we want to look for new hires. But it is ideal to do it otherwise. Networking prior to a search helps recruiters build rapport with future candidates. It is a great way to create a pool of qualified candidates, which will make them feel valued once they are invited for an interview.
Be wary of email communication
When sending or receiving emails from candidates, take note of the way they communicate. Their email communication style also reflects the way they would express themselves personally. This is also a great indication of their level of interest for the role.
Be fully committed to the recruiting process
Be involved from start to finish. You can use a candidate roadmap to determine the current stage of each applicant during the recruitment process. Follow up with the candidates every now and then regarding the status. In this way, they will feel that they are given importance which is one way to convince them to accept the job offer.
Paper screen the CVs
Look at the CVs and check how ready the candidate is to take on the job. You can adapt the “3-point system” in rating prospective candidates.
A “3-point system” asks 3 important questions to see they are fit for the job.
Do they have the right educational background?
Do they have the right experience?
Do they have the right set of skills?
For each question, they will give a rate from 1-3 where 3 is considered the strongest. The highest score is 9. This provides a standard that every recruiter can use to easily compare and measure each candidate.
Initial Interviews
After screening the CVs and coming up with a list of strong candidates, now is the time to get to know them more.
Sometimes, the CVs are presented in a way that is too good to be true. Initial interviews provide an opportunity to explore the candidate’s work history, strengths, and weaknesses.
Nowadays, candidates are invited for an initial interview via Skype. The interview usually lasts for 20-30 minutes, depending on the flow of the conversation. Before the interview, recruiters should prepare a standard list of questions with a numerical pointing system. Mostly likely, you will not remember who said what, but, at least, you have a sense of who did well during the interview by looking at the numbers.
Face-to-Face Final Interviews
This is the final stage and will definitely “make or break” the outcome of the recruitment process. At this stage, recruiters should prepare an activity that would simulate the day-to-day operations of the organization. This will test how well they will cope with the company’s existing culture. Ask open-ended questions that will get them talking and ignite their creativity.
Recruiters should also be honest about the current challenges of the organization. Failing to do so will result in disappointment because the candidates will feel like they are tricked just to convince them to sign the job offer. Once you’ve shared the challenges, do not forget to look at their reaction and listen to how they will contribute to the resolution.
Do not forget to clarify expectations right away. Let them know about the outcomes that are expected from them once they are hired. If you are considering a candidate “out of faith”, let them know about their areas of improvement and ways to themselves.
Reference Checks
No one knows them better than their previous boss or colleagues. Try to contact their last employer and ask open-ended questions. You can give a follow-up question if you feel like their answers are quite vague. Do not ask questions that will lead to an answer that you would like to hear. Be thorough and observant. Look for nonverbal cues like the tone of their voice and their facial expressions. Do not be afraid to ask the tough questions. Once you have enough information, summarize your reference report and submit it to the HR Director.
Modify the job description if necessary
If you feel like you’re not attracting the right people, try making changes in the job description. Recruiters have this habit of trying to fit in the candidate to the job description without giving any considerations. Ask for feedback from the candidates and suggest changes to the HR director based on the feedback. In this way, you will attract better candidates because they feel like the job description covers their career needs.
In conclusion, the recruiters’ dedication, hard-work, honesty, and thoroughness are the key to hiring success. By following these tips, recruiters will be able to hire the right people for the right job which is a “win-win” situation for everybody.
Are you a recruiter who have successfully filled a high-level position? What did you do to meet the client’s specifications and expectations? Share your stories in the comments below. We would love to hear from you.